Monday 6 March 2017


Due Friday, March 10
(You will have time today in class to work on this. Then it is up to you to write further drafts until you are ready to publish on Friday.)

*Don't forget to include a link to the your current event article at the end of your blog post!*

At the end of chapter 14, Celia tells her story to Matt. Then, Matt encounters the farm patrol in chapter 25. The reader learns of "coyotes" and the "farm patrol." While The House of the Scorpion is a work of fiction, this story has many connections to the real world. 

In this individual blog post you will explore a real-world connection to the issue of border patrol. Look for a newspaper article or video regarding the issues facing those attempting to enter a new country without following proper procedure. Consider the HUMAN aspect, rather than merely the legality. Why did Celia turn to a "coyote?" Why would anyone risk their life as Matt and Celia did?
Here are some steps to help you get started. Please note the suggested times, and do not get hung up on one step!

Step 1 (5-10 minutes):
Take 5-10 minutes and do some pre-writing for the question. You could also use this time to go through your notes on the novel and see if anything you have made note of helps you explore this idea.

Step 2: (10-15 minutes):
Find a current event that will aid in your deep exploration of this issue, and help you connect more deeply to the novel. Keep in mind your skills in determining valid sources.

Step 3 (5 minutes):
Now that you have found a current event, and you have some pre-writing, create a graphic organizer that will help you to organize your thoughts, and meet expectations and learning objectives.

Step 4 (10 minutes):
Fill in your graphic organizer, with your ideas and specific details. Make sure you do not just give a plot summary! Use specific events to jump into the larger ideas presented by Farmer, or connections you have made. Remember not to plan out 2000 words, as you can only publish 400!

Step 5:
Write your first draft!

Step 6:
After some time away from your first draft, edit carefully, making sure to look for your specific issues.

Step 7:
Publish on your personal litspiration blog, by the morning of Friday, March 10.